Coming from abroad

International Students

We welcome students from overseas, currently or planning to live in Australia with their immediate family. Please find following a range of information that can help you.

ABN 63 106 908 767 CRICOS No. 02622J

Hills Adventist College welcomes students from overseas, currently or planning to live in Australia with their immediate family only. Please find following a range of information that can help you decide if Hills Adventist College is the right for your international student.

The English language tests assess a student’s ability using a threshold approach. This is based on the minimum level of English language proficiency required before an international student can be expected to cope in Australian schools. Sufficient English proficiency is considered by the Principal on an individual basis. You may be requested to complete an English proficiency exam through AEAS or comparable provider.

More details can be found on the AEAS website at the link below.

Please note: Hills Adventist College does not provide any English Second Language tutoring or courses, and as such students must have a capacity to cope in an Australian classroom appropriate to their grade level. We encourage ongoing English tutoring with an external provider as necessary.

You must determine whether you qualify for a student visa. Information can be found at the link below:

AEAS Assessment Services AEAS - Testing for International School Students Visa Eligibility

The operation of the college/school is funded by grants from the NSW and Australian Governments, which cover a small percentage of the total operational cost. The balance is collected from parents or guardians of the students attending the college/school. An agreement is then created with the person responsible for the payment of the fees to ensure regular payments that allow the college/school to plan and manage its cash flow.

Overseas students don’t attract the financial support of students who are Australian residents and hence are required to cover the total cost of the educational experience. Because of the transient nature of these students all fees for overseas students are paid in advance.

The college/school will;

  1. accurately communicate the extent of the financial commitment undertaken to the person responsible for the payment of fees;
  2. ensure financial stability by ensuring that the School is able to rely on regular payments from the people responsible for payments;
  3. clearly document the remedial action to be undertaken when expected payment is not made.

Fees at the school are divided into three groups:

  1. Tuition fees usually invoiced on a term-by-term basis,
  2. Compulsory fees paid at the beginning of the year, which include subject fees, textbook hire fees and other miscellaneous charges, and
  3. Additional term service charges invoiced with the tuition fees.

Compulsory Fees are paid at registration.

Tuition fees and the additional term service charges are usually paid a year in advance unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Principal.

It is normal practice in Australian colleges/schools to pay 4 term fees for Year 12 students even though they have term 4 to sit their HSC. Teachers are on call for assistance during the study period and HSC exam timetable.

The college/school will:

  1. Communicate the refund policy of the College at the point of enrolment for each student, and 
  2. Cover the financial risk to the College inherent in the enrolment process of an educational institution.

The Fee Refund guidelines, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes does not remove the right of the parent or student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

  1. No refund will be given if the student has not completed the first six months of their principal course unless (1) the Student’s visa has been rejected or (2) the School is not able to offer the course.
  2. No refund will be given if a student decides to withdraw before completing the first six months of their principal course due to illness, change of address or other personal circumstance.
  3. No refund will be given if a student is expelled for serious breaches of discipline.
  4. No refund will be given if a student’s visa is cancelled due to poor attendance and or poor academic performance.
  5. After the completion the first six months of their principal course at the college/school,  students may choose to continue their studies with another educational provider. In this case notification of intended departure should be given at least one term in advance otherwise one full term’s fees will be charged. For these students the refund available on departure will be the amount remaining after the one term’s fees are deducted.
  6. Payment of the balance of the account is expected at the time of de-registration, unless a suitable arrangement has been made with the Bursar.
  7. Extended leave may be granted by the Principal for a student for various reasons. In this case the college/school will keep the position open for the student and hence no refund will be given for the period of absence.
  8. A request for refund should be made in writing to the college/school office and a response will be given within 20 working days.

Your visa is subject to a number of visa conditions that you must comply with. Different visa conditions apply to you.

Breaching a visa condition may result in the cancellation of your visa, and subsequently a termination of your contract with the College.

Check visa details and conditions

Hills Adventist College is required to comply with the course requirements as outlined by the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) for each year level of education. Specific details of the course requirements and syllabus can be found at the link below:

NESA Course requirements and syllabus

All school students must be of a certain age to the entry-level for their school course, regardless of their country of citizenship.

To be granted a visa for school studies, you must meet the following age requirements:

  • at least six years old at the time of application
  • less than 17 when commencing Year 9
  • less than 18 when commencing Year 10
  • less than 19 when commencing Year 11
  • less than 20 when commencing Year 12.

A child younger than six years old is able to enrol in school for up to three months on a Visitor visa (subclass 600).

For further information refer to the link below:

Visitor visa (subclass 600) Information

Please note Hills Adventist College does not work with any Education Agents. You are encouraged to contact the College directly with your enquiry. The College will not consider enrolment applications from overseas students working through an Education Agent. At all times the College will work directly with the parents of the prospective student.

The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework is designed to ensure that Australia’s reputation for delivering quality education services is maintained and that the interests of overseas students are protected. It sets minimum standards and provides tuition and financial assurance. Together with Australian immigration law, the ESOS framework also imposes visa related reporting requirements on both students and educational institutions. The Department of Innovation, Industry Science Research and Tertiary Education (DIISTRE) has produced an Easy Guide to ESOS.

ESOS Framework Fact Sheet National Code — ESOS Standards

New laws were introduced under the Public Health Act as of 1 April 2018. International Students must take immunisation records to an approved immunisation provider, (ie. General Practitioner or local council) to record on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Overseas records must be translated into English before they can be recorded on the on the AIR. Students who do not have a Medicare card are still able to have their immunisations recorded on the AIR.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications without an approved AIR Immunisation History Form.

If you are a student visa holder you must obtain health insurance from an Australian health insurance provider. You must have adequate health insurance while in Australia. This is done by obtaining Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) which provides medical and hospital insurance in Australia. You must not arrive in Australia before your health insurance starts. If you are in Australia and do not have adequate health insurance, you are in breach of your visa conditions. The government's Private Health website compares a range of insurance products so you can make an informed choice on which health cover works for you - see this information at the link provided below. Your Private Health Insurance policy number must be provided to the College before they can obtain a CoE.

Compare Private Health Insurance Providers

Application forms will be provided upon request. Please contact our Registrar by sending an email to the link below.

Begin the Enrolment Process