
Device Program

We have had a Device Program running for a number of years now and in recent years, we took the opportunity to review this program and have made some changes to the way we run technology at the College.

Device Program

The College has transitioned to a Designated Device Program for all Year 7–12 students. These changes were made with learning in mind.

The use of technology in the classroom is designed to complement the educational process, it is one tool that teachers use to take students on their journey to growth. The College Device Program aim is to educationally benefit the students learning and will help to increase focus in class and decrease the distraction of the device by enabling it to be used increasingly for educational purposes rather than entertainment and gaming.

In 2022 the Device Program will be shifting to a school-owned device. On the first day of school, eligible students (see details below) will be provided with the device, charger, and sleeve which the student will be able to use for a period of 3 years. The annual usage fee will be included in the students’ class levy in their fees and subject to finalisation of costs, is expected to cost between $400 to $500 per annum. As the usage fee will be included in the class levy as part of the College fees, this means that it can be paid for annually or in instalments throughout the year rather than a whole upfront payment for the device. We feel that spreading the cost over three years will reduce the financial burden for families.

The following outlines the eligibility status for each year group (new students to the College):

Year 5 and 6: Shared class sets of laptop devices provided by the school for use in class. These are similar to those used in Year 7 so students can become familiar with the devices and programs used prior to starting Year 7.

Year 7-12: All new students will receive a College device.

The College Device Program aim is to educationally benefit the students learning and will help to increase focus in class