Mental Health and Wellbeing

We are living in a world where information is available at the hit of a button. Sometimes that isn’t a good thing, but when it comes to Mental Health and Wellbeing there is some great Online Support available.

By Hills Adventist College 23 May 2016

Getting this help on a device is easy.  The next step is sharing this with those who need it.  If it can strengthen their sense of self, increase their emotional awareness and give them coping strategies - even better!   The Apps and Online services below really can enhance a child’s wellbeing and are fun to use.


Positive Penguins:  Helps kids understand what they are feeling and how their feelings are linked to their thoughts.  9 - 11 years    $1.99

Worry Box: A journal that identifies steps to manage worry        6 - 16 years       FREE

Bedtime Meditation for kids:  Help kids with an overactive mind, switch off.    Up to 12 years $4.99

Breathe to Relax:  When anxious our breathing becomes shallow and ‘revs’ up our body and mind.  Oxygen to the brain calms us and stops the internal screaming.  6 - Adult      FREE

Pacifica: Learning to manage stress and anxiety.           13 – Adult       FREE

Mindshift: will help you learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking, and identify active steps that will help you take charge of your anxiety. This app includes strategies to deal with everyday anxiety, as well as specific tools to tackle: Perfectionism, social anxiety, worry, panic, conflict, exam anxiety.    Teens – Young Adults    FREE

Songza:  Song streaming playlist for anxious teens.  Activites and music to wind down at relevant times of day & night.    13      FREE

Online Courses    A variety of online learning programs for Depression, Anxieties, Separation and Divorce, Grief & Loss.      FREE   Depression, Anxiety & Stress   18    Loads of activities that promote wellbeing and mental fitness 

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